Elizabeth Jinks
Praying Hands Massage
3097 Broad Street, Chattanooga, TN 37408

In-Office Massage Therapy FAQs
Do I have to be a patient of North River Chiropractic to schedule a massage?
No, you do not have to be a patient to schedule a massage!
Will anyone try to talk me into being a patient? Or make me feel guilty for not being a patient?
No! I work with Dr. Nancy Reinhart and her assistant, Sally. They will not try to talk you into being a chiropractic patient.
However, if you are interested in chiropractic care, she is accepting new patients.
Why do you charge less at the Chiropractor's office?
I am able to charge less because there is significantly less travel and set up time for me.
Do I pay you or the office for the massage?
You pay the office. They accept Credit, Debit or Cash.

In-Home Massage Therapy FAQs
In-Home Massage Therapy FAQs
Your comfort is my top priority.
Do you bring a table and everything needed for the massage?
Yes! I have a portable table that folds up and fits in my trunk. I have a fuzzy table topper, sheets, oil and lotion! You don't have to provide anything except the space.
Can my kids or spouse be home during my massage?
Yes! Your kids can be napping or having quiet time. Anyone can be at the house with you and the massage can be as private and relaxing as you want it to be!
Can you give me and a friend or spouse a massage in the same visit?
Yes! I love doing multiple massages. I can do up to five 60-minute massages in a row or four 90-minute massages.
If I live far away, will you still come to my house?
Within reason, yes. However, if you live more than 25 miles (but less than 50) from East Ridge, there will be an additional $15 travel fee.